Kelly Finlaw |
NOTE: I have included this blog entry by Kelly Finlaw as an example of what happens when artists show up as part of sustainable development projects. JNC
As an educator in the public school system, I am afforded extended vacation in the summer months. The New York City school calendar allows me to have all of July and August to spend however I so desire. In recent years, I have chosen to volunteer as an Artist-on-Call during July with BuildaBridge International. I have had the opportunity of teaching art in the sugar cane fields of the Dominican Republic, painting murals in the mountains of Colombia, and most recently, facilitating a permaculture course in the Negev Desert in Israel.
Permaculture aligns with an arts-relief and development organization like BuildaBridge, it embodies the values of Asset Based Community Development and Place-making that are so vital to creative sustainable development. The concept of Permaculture is an all-encompassing ideal that focuses directly on the land and the people inhabiting it.